The Graduate School serves UNT Dallas graduate students and responds to graduate-student needs and issues. The Graduate School administers academic policies and procedures and enforces graduate degree requirements which are determined by the Graduate Council and are applicable to all graduate students.
Among the many and varied areas of responsibility within the Graduate School are:
- Graduate recruitment
- Graduate admissions
- Graduate orientation
- Graduate student engagement and professional development
- Preliminary and final degree plans
- Academic status communication
- Graduate Hooding Ceremony
We encourage students to visit the office and meet the professionals who assist with degree or co-curricular programs.
Dean of the Graduate School
Dr. Ali Shaqlaih
Executive Director of Graduate Enrollment Management & Student Engagement
Alounda Joseph
Associate Director of Recruitment
Shaniece Miller
Coordinator of Graduate School Student Engagement & Professional Development
LaTanya Anderson-Davis
Admission Application Processor
Veronica Ewing
Administrative Coordinator of the Graduate School
Rachelle Hutchinson
The Graduate Council, which consists of members of the Graduate Faculty at UNT Dallas, functions as an executive committee to advise and assist the Dean of the Graduate School. The Graduate Council is responsible for recommending policy regarding standards, criteria, regulations, procedures, and other matters affecting graduate study. The Council’s overarching role is to support the improvement of graduate education of the highest quality at UNT Dallas through its consultative and faculty governance roles.
The Graduate Council shall be composed of Voting Members and Ex Officio Members.
Voting Members. Consists of elected or appointed faculty members with terminal degrees in the discipline and who are designated as Graduate Faculty according to University Policy 6.004.
Ex Officio Members. The Graduate Council will include ex officio members who hold administrative positions important to graduate programs at UNT Dallas. Ex officio members do not vote, and are not included in establishing a quorum of the Graduate Council. Ex officio members include a representative from each of the following offices:
- Graduate Admissions/Services
- University Registrar
- Staff Council Executive Committee
- University Library
- Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships
- Undergraduate Academic Advising
- University Accreditation & Policy
- Graduate Student Council Executive Committee
The Dean of the Graduate School is the academic officer responsible for coordinating support for the graduate programs of the University and for implementing the policies of the University in regard to graduate education.The Dean of the Graduate School will serve as the chair of the Graduate Council but will not be a voting member.
Meetings: The Graduate Council meets once a month, normally on the second Monday, during the Fall and Spring semester of the academic year. Other meetings of the Council may be called by its Chairperson, the Dean of the Graduate School, or the Chair of the standing committees.
Standing Committees: The standing committees of the Graduate Council include:
- Curriculum Subcommittee
- Academic Policy and Requirements Subcommittee
- Appeals Subcommittee
The members of the subcommittees shall vote to select a subcommittee chair from the subcommittee membership for a term of one year.The members of the subcommittee shall determine the time and mode of the subcommittee meetings as needed to meet university schedules for review, approval, and publication of graduate program and courses curriculum material.
The Council may establish and appoint other standing or ad hoc committees as it deems appropriate.
Graduate Faculty status exists to ensure that graduate programs are taught by professionals whose expertise and record of scholarship qualify them to create educational opportunities commensurate with that experience and with best practices for graduate education. Those faculty who teach graduate-level courses, advise graduate students, serve on thesis or dissertation committees, or otherwise participate in graduate education at UNT Dallas must be members of the Graduate Faculty. The Graduate Faculty is composed of Full Members and Associate Members.