Sep 27, 2024  
2014-2015 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2014-2015 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Listings


Special Education - Undergraduate

  • EDSP 4360D - Transition Education and Services for Exceptional Learners

    3 hours
    Transition education and services for individuals with disabilities across the life span with emphasis on the post-secondary years. Examines the theory and practice of transition planning from school to community living, post-secondary education, and employment. Legislative history and practical applications of skills such as transition assessment, job development and job placement are emphasized. Prerequisite(s): EDSP 3210D , EDSP 3240D , EDSP 4320D .
  • EDSP 4900D - Special Problems

    1-3 hours

Special Education - Graduate

  • EDSP 5020D - Behavior Management and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

    3 hours. This course investigates the relevant legal and ethical issues regarding discipline of students with disabilities. Collaborative models or design, implementation,and evaluation of positive behavior support plans based on functional analysis of behavior. Prerequisite(s) : Admission to graduate school.
  • EDSP 5030D - Individualized Evaluation for Educational Decision Making

    3 hours. This course includes intensive theoretical and practical study of the instruments and processes used for nondiscriminatory evaluation of students with disabilities in the area of academic, social and vocational function. Analysis of test construction, considerations of legal and ethical issues in the administration of specific tests and the interpretation of various scores to provide an examination and implementation of research-based effective strategies and materials for teaching students with diagnosed disabilities. Emphasis is on transfer and generalization in inclusive settings, including physical and academic prompts and adaptations. Focus is also on IEP development, responsive to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills and indicative of assessments including Texas Alternative Assessment. Prerequisite(s) : Admission to graduate school.
  • EDSP 5040D - Methods of Teaching Students with Disabilities

    3 hours. This course includes investigation of state and federal legislation, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills learning standards, general curriculum and curriculum materials from varied sources. Other course topics include development of curricula, employing learning styles research, bodies of knowledge from professional organizations of the disciplines, curriculum adaptation, collaboration models, instructional delivery, student advocacy, matching curricula to individual learners, technology, and case-by-case problem solving. In addition, this course provides an exploration of assessment strategies for systematic monitoring of student progress, curriculum appropriateness, alternative communication modes, alternative assessment use in the general education classroom, grading, error analysis, and instructional planning. Course also provides experience in peer coaching, team teaching, team assessing and models for collaboration. Prerequisite(s) : Admission to graduate school.
  • EDSP 5050D - Legal Aspects of Special Education

    3 hours. Study of philosophical, historical and legal foundations of special education. Investigation of the progression of service delivery models from segregation to inclusive settings and the self-determination of persons with disabilities across the lifespan. Prerequisite(s) : Admission to graduate school.
  • EDSP 5200D - Characteristics of Individuals with Learning Disabilities

    3 hours. An overview of the field of learning disabilities that includes an analysis of definitions, etiological factors, classification schemes and intervention models.
  • EDSP 5220D - Learning Strategies for Individuals with Cognitive Disorders

    3 hours. Focus on learning strategies designed for individuals with disabilities. Prerequisite(s): EDSP 5010, EDSP 5020D  and 5600.
  • EDSP 5230D - Advanced Seminar in Learning Disabilities Educational Theories and Practices

    3 hours. Focused analysis of the theoretical basis of learning disabilities and the instructional implications and applications of those theories. Prerequisite(s) : EDSP 5710 or equivalent.
  • EDSP 5240D - Collaboration with Parents, Paraeducators and Professionals

    3 hours. Communication and collaboration models and strategies in working with parents, caregivers and professionals concerned about exceptional learners. Emphasis on the changing definition of families and changing demographics and the implications these changes have for effectively involving others in the decision-making for exceptional learners. Analysis made of legal mandates and availability of resources to ensure quality services for exceptional learners. Prerequisite(s) : EDSP 5710 or consent of department.
  • EDSP 5320D - Introduction to Functional Assessment

    Course focuses on various dimensions of functional assessment of behavior and academic performance of children and youth with disabilites and/or at-risk for academic or social failure. Emphasis will be on a process for conducting functional assessments and gathering information applicable to the development of effective positive behavioral supports and intervention plans. Prerequisite(s): EDSP 5710 ; EDSP 5600 or EDSP 5730.
  • EDSP 5330D - Classroom and Behavioral Management Strategies for Exceptional Learners

    3 hours. Focus on a variety of classroom-based approaches to aid in the behavioral management of exceptional learners. Students learn how to implement individualized techniques including applied behavioral analysis, as well as larger-group strategies, to foster positive behavioral, social and emotional growth. Special attention is given to the development of behavioral intervention plans and positive behavioral supports for students with challenging behaviors. Prerequisite(s) : EDSP 5710
  • EDSP 5510D - Educational Appraisal of Exceptional Learners

    3 hours. Examines basic testing procedures and terminology as it relates to the exceptional learner. Analysis of statistics used in test development and interpretation of test data. Use of test data in developing individual educaiton plans. Examines curriculum-based assessment issues. Focuses on the dvelopment and use of knowledge and practical skills necessary for effective administration and interpretation of authentic assessment and documenting student achievement gains among diverse and exceptional learners. Field experiences include administration of academic and teacher-made assessments. Prerequisite(s) : EDSP 5710.
  • EDSP 5520D - Special Education Law

    3 hours. Provides teachers, educational disagnoticians and school administrators the opportunity to examine federal and state laws pertaining to the delivery of special education services. Addresses the legal development of the discipline of special education as well as the current requirements for the provision of a free and appropriate education to students with disabilities.

Technical Communication - Undergraduate

  • TECM 1200D - Developmental Writing

    3 hours
    Fulfills TSI requirements for students who have not passed the writing portion of the Texas Higher Education Assessment with a score of 7 or 8 prior to enrolling in the university or who are not otherwise exempt. Covers sentence formation and skills needed for argumentation and exposition. Emphasizes audience, purpose and occasion. Students must complete the requirements of the course with a grade of C or better in order to meet the prerequisite for ENGL 1310D /ENGL 1313D  or TECM 1300. Does not apply to degree.
  • TECM 2700D - Technical Writing

    3 hours
    TCCNS Number: -2311
    Expository writing, especially for science, pre-engineering and business students. May be substituted for ENGL 1320 in some programs; students should consult advisers in their majors
  • TECM 4180D - Advanced Technical Writing

    3 hours
    4180. Advanced Technical Writing. 3 hours. Practical application of technical-writing theory and style in industry, business and the sciences. Prerequisite(s): TECM 2700 is recommended
  • TECM 4190D - Technical Editing

    3 hours
    4190. Technical Editing. 3 hours. The editing of drafts of technical manuals and other technical reports; the design of technical reports. Experience in applying rules governing technical-writing style. Prerequisite(s): TECM 2700 is recommended
  • TECM 4250D - Writing Technical Procedures and Manuals

    3 hours
    4250. Writing Technical Procedures and Manuals. 3 hours. The application of the principles of technical style to the writing of technical procedures and manuals. Intensive practice in writing technical procedures and manuals. Prerequisite(s): TECM 2700 is recommended
  • TECM 4700D - Writing in the Sciences

    3 hours
    4700. Writing in the Sciences. 3 hours. Intensive investigation of the genres of writing in the sciences. Learn and apply appropriate structures for reporting general information and specific data for a variety of scientific contexts. Prerequisite(s) : TECM 2700.

Theatre - Undergraduate

  • THEA 1130D - Creative Drama

    TCCNS Number: 50.0501.00.03
    1130D. Introduction to Creative Drama in the Elementary School. 1 hour (1;3). Introduction to current philosophies, principles, and techniques of creative drama in the elementary school. Emphasis on development of the individual child through use of dramatic play, improvisation, and theatre games. Includes lecture, discussion, group facilitation, peer teaching, and practical performance work.
  • THEA 3400D - Theatre for Young Audiences

    3 hours
    (3;1) Recognition and examination of the history and philosophy, production and performance of theatre for young audiences. Through focused inquiry, work on the practical problems that arise in the selection and performance of dramatic texts, original collective creations and adaptation of selected literature. Emphasis on connecting artistic practices and trends in educational theatre to theories of child/adolescent development. Course designed for those who advocate theatre as a stimulus for learning, whether they are specializing in classroom teaching or seeking careers in professional theatre. Class activities may take place on site in a school or at a theater.

University Courses - Undergraduate

  • UCRS 4000D - Science in Ancient and Modern Times

    3 hours
    Seminars, guest lecturers and readings addressing major advances in science from a technological, philosophical and historical perspective. Meets with UCRS 5000.
  • UGST 1100D - Application of Learning Foundations

    1 hour
    1100. Application of Learning Foundations. 1 hour. Study of critical theories of learning and their effective utilization for increasing academic performance and persistence. Prerequisite(s) : Consent of department.

Undergraduate Studies

  • TNTX 1100D - Second Teacher Education Preparation I : Inquiry Approaches to Teaching

    1 hour
    (1;0;1). Introduction to mathematics, computer sciences, and science teaching as a career. Discussions include standards-based lesson design and various teaching and behavior management strategies. Fieldwork consists of planning and teaching four inquiry-based lessons to students in grades 3-5 in local elementary schools. Prerequisite(s) : Admission in the Teach North Texas program ; see the Teach North Texas advisor for details.
  • TNTX 1200D - Secondary Teacher Education Preparation 2 : Inquiry-Based Lesson Design

    1 hour
    (1;0;1). Topics may include routes to teacher certification in mathematics, computer sciences and science teaching; various teaching methods that are designed to meet instructional goals; and learner outcomes. Students develop and teach three inquiry-based lessons in their field in a middle school and participate in peer coaching. Prerequisite(s) : TNTX 1100D  or consent of the Teach North Texas advisor.
  • UGST 1000D - Freshman Seminar

    3 hours.  Introduces student to new and exciting ways of becoming active and engaged citizens of the university community and larger society through the exploration of problems in the current world. Students develop skills in critical thinking, communication, values clarification, and self-awareness. Varying topics require a creative and interdisciplinary view of the world. Past topics include leadership, information literacy, career and major exploration, community engagement and service.

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